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CleverLive is the cost-effective Communications Eco System

SedaoLive is the cost-effective Communications Eco System

As technology advances, there are software solutions for all types of requirements, but for a cost-effective digital communications option, look for one that offers a range of solutions using one platform.

The CleverLive CLOUD platform is the only digital signage solution on the market to offer a complete digital communications solution for deployment within the corporate enterprise, education, government, retail and hospitality sector industries. 

CleverLive Cloud is a digital Eco System that enables organisations to manage digital signage, room booking and interactive collaborative panels from a single platform.

CleverLive digital signage 

Whether the screen is displaying messages for the public, staff, student or visitor, this solution delivers features that include 100+ editable templates, scheduling, virtual button messaging, display of text/images/movies/live tv/websites/social media/ and more.

CleverLive Rooms room booking 

Integrating with Outlook 365 and Microsoft Exchange, CleverLive Rooms can be connected to your existing calendar, used to book meeting rooms via the calendar or at the source and display digital signage messages when not in use.

Clevertouch – for meeting room and class room activities, this award-winning collaborative board is powerful interactive panel for immersive engagement.

The screens can display independent of each other, or when necessary, be grouped to send instant messages such as alerts, fire drills and more.

The unique offering ensures CleverLive is the most cost-effective option for digital communications."