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Digital signage in a house of worship

Digital signage in a house of worship

With recent studies indicating more than 5 billion people worldwide have mobile devices, our social interaction and technological expectations are constantly changing.

While many sectors were swift to react, think retail and education, traditional social sectors such as churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and other places of worship are only now adapting to the changes.

This sector is using digital signage in order to communicate with their wider audience while meeting modern technology expectations.

However, as mostly a community based and not-for-profit sector, investing in a digital signage platform such as CleverLive CLOUD which can be deployed both indoors and outdoors is a very cost-effective and versatile technological solution.

Digital signage for a house of worship ensures a wide range of communication activities can be carried out swiftly and easily.

For indoor environments, digital signage can be used to:

  • broadcast the clerics message during sermons
  • display song lyrics and verse
  • highlight motivational messages 
  • promote activities and events

For outdoor environments, digital signage is ideal for:

  • attracting attention 
  • showcasing events and times
  • communicating inspirational messages
  • demonstrating community support
  • increasing attendance 

Having taken the first step, this sector will continue to adapt as technology and expectations advance.

This sector is using digital signage in order to communicate with their wider audience while meeting modern technology expectations."