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The benefits of digital signage in the medical world

The challenge faced by hospitals, specialist clinics, dentists and GP clinics is to deliver a welcoming and reassuring environment for patients, visitors and staff, some of whom are feeling anxious about being there in the first place.

Digital signage can support medical facilities to alleviate those anxieties and improve the experience with clear and important messaging delivered in easy to understand formats.  Intuitive platforms such as CleverLive enable staff to easily manage content and make changes quickly.  The unique CleverLive one touch button feature means the screen content can be changed to a preset announcement, simply by touching a virtual button on a personal device or tablet.


Common ways digital signage supports the medical world include:

1.     Wayfinding

Navigating around a new or large building can be daunting. Digital signage wayfinding, displayed out on free standing totems or wall mounted screens, can assist patients and visitors with locating their destination quickly, helping them to reach their appointment on time and keep the clinic running smoothly.

2.     Check-In

For personalised automated check-in platforms such as CleverLive digital signage can embed QR codes which patients and visitors can scan to fill in forms on their personal devices.  The rise of popularity of this feature during the pandemic has resulted in people of all demographics being comfortable with, and almost expectant of, this type of technology.

3.     Real-time Information

Broadcasting seasonal wellness material, health and safety messages, hospital/clinic services and facilities, events and on-duty staff information resonates with patients and visitors.  Digital signage provides a cost-effective way to disseminate this information by reducing the need to print and post posters frequently when they become outdated or obsolete.

4.     Waiting Room Engagement

Waiting rooms are without doubt where patients and visitors are the most anxious.  Digital signage can help reduce perceived waiting times by engaging the audience with waiting time updates, local news, transport and traffic news, or live streaming of current events programs.  Keeping engagement high can reduce anxiety and help calm the environment.

5.     Nurses Station

Patient information including medications and appointment times, bed allocations and other relevant details can be displayed within the nursing station area for easy viewing by staff.  Scheduling messaging for staff changeovers such as duty shift details is also important to communication and can be done weeks or even months in advance and updated on the day using digital signage.

6.     Carparks

Digital signage can be used in carparks for welcoming or farewelling patients and visitors.  Information such as costs, time restraints and traffic reports can easily be displayed and communicate essential facts that are needed for a positive experience.


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Digital signage provides a cost-effective way to disseminate this information by reducing the need to print and post posters frequently when they become outdated or obsolete.