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Collaborative student assessment

Students are highly motivated by regular assessment in the classroom. Knowing you are on the right track, or being guided back onto it, boosts confidence, reduces mistakes, and opens a line of conversation on the topic at hand. 

There are several ways in which assessment can become collaborative, either between teachers and students, or between students themselves. 

Instant feedback
Many teachers like to move around the classroom, looking over shoulders, and giving continual verbal advice, as well as highlighting or underlining problem areas where the student needs to reflect on what the correction should be. This is a great way to encourage independent learning but can lead to the front-of-class screen being neglected. With the Clevershare app on a tablet, the teacher can control and update the Clevertouch, adding notes or advice on points that have come up from looking at students’ work.

Peer-to-peer assessment
From sharing work with their peers, students are able to see things from another perspective. They learn more from helping each other. If students have individual laptops or tablets that they are working on, then they can use Clevershare to mirror that content to the front-of-class Clevertouch display. Other students can then discuss, or annotate directly onto the document. For work that isn’t on a computer, a tablet camera can be used as a document camera to display onto the big screen. 

Pop quiz
Mini tests with no pressure can be great to see how much your students have recalled from the lesson, or from earlier in the term. With IMPACT Plus, voting and quiz tools are built into the interface. They are simple to use, and ideal for mini-quizzes at random times throughout the lesson. It is also a great way for the teacher to see what areas need to be refreshed with the class.

For more tips on collaborative assessment, speak to our education specialist, Ash Helm


There are several ways in which assessment can become collaborative, either between teachers and students, or between students themselves.“