Room Booking

Your new, easy to use, Room Booking System

This room booking solution adds value to your organisation by improving meeting room booking efficiency.  With a centrally managed platform that enables you to book from your desktop PC calendar or live at the source, our room booking solution - Live Rooms - also integrates with the Clevertouch Digital Ecosystem so you can send messages across your digital signage screens, interactive display panels as well as room booking.  You can now display instant messages, promotions and communicate with staff on your entire suite all from the same platform you manage your room booking from.


 Live Rooms

Room booking features

Product features

A centrally
managed platform

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Product features

Desktop PC Booking - MS Exchange & Outlook 365

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Product features

At source booking

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Product features

for company or
visitor branding

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Product features

Power over Ethernet

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Product features

Availability status display – red in use & green available

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Product features

Updated status if
meeting ends early

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Product features

Send instant messages
to displays or playout
digital signage

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