Lynx Lesson Library
Check out our new Lynx lesson library! Here you will find pre-created lessons and content you can download and use as you see fit. Be sure to install the Lynx app on both your computer and panel to use our lessons efficiently.
Education Lessons

Back to School: Roll and Share
In this activity students roll the dice and share something about themselves. Students can create their own questions or use the ones provided.

Back to School: Would You Rather?
A fun activity with a few "Would You Rather" questions appropriate for kids. The last slide allows you to model making a single or double bar graph using the kids' results.

Summer Slides
This activity will allow students to create a multiple slide presentation on a Summer destination of their choice if money was of no concern. This activity has students using text boxes, images, videos, and more creative features of Lynx!

Memory Book
Create a memory book for your students using this template in Lynx.

Favorite Summer Activity
This quick and simple Lynx activity is perfect for primary grades. Students will use the sun as a voting tool to select their favorite Summer activity. Once completed, this template could be used for a math lesson on graphing or fractions. You could also use this activity to discuss difference of opinions. Get creative with this activity!

The History of
Roller Coasters
Use this Lynx file to learn about the history of our favorite thrill rides with your students. You could do this as a whole-group activity or you could leave it up on your panel for students to work on in small groups as a center.

Summer Around
the World
Use this lesson to get excited about summer and learn about different summer traditions around the world.

Use this lesson in an elementary classroom to learn about Memorial Day - May 27th! Complete a word search, draw the symbols, and write a letter to a military service member to commemorate the day in your class. Add to this template to customize your own Memorial Day lesson!

Journey on the Mayflower
In this Choose your Own Adventure Lynx activity, students imagine they are journeying to America on the Mayflower. Directions: Download this to Lynx, use in Presentation Mode and select the choice to go to the next adventure.

Plant and Animal Cells
This is a fun drag and drop activity on plant and animal cells. You can edit this file to your liking after the download.

Build an Atom
Download this lesson for a digital activity on building atoms. If students have access to the Lynx Whiteboard app on their devices, they can complete this activity independently.
English Language Arts Lessons

The Mitten by Jan Brett
Read the Mitten or watch the video embedded in the lesson. Students then retell the story using interactive features of Lynx and create their own story.

Library Book Tracker
Use this template to create a tracker of every read-aloud you have done in your classroom with your library books. Encourage a different student every month to select a book from their local library that they can bring to school to use as a read aloud for the day. Insert the information on the Lynx slide to create a visual tracker of all the books your students have brought in this school-year. This template is editable so you can add additional categories/pages.

Students use their knowledge of antonyms to match in this spring themed Lynx lesson.

Symbolism in Poetry
This Lynx activity works well as a mini-lesson activity or an independent assignment for students. Included with this lesson is a video animation detailing the symbolism of the poem.
Maths Lessons

Seasonal Slides
Use this template to create daily slides using a seasonal background. Add content, duplicate text boxes, and customize the template for your class. Insert premade images, videos, and quotes or embed YouTube videos or GIFs to energize your class. Layer your slides or link to the next slide with options on Lynx with this template.

Season's Greetings Graphing
Allow your students to have fun has they practice graphing ordered pairs on a coordinate plane with a holiday twist.

Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Your students are able to practice converting fractions, decimals, and percent with this Lynx Whiteboard activity. Feel free to add your own examples to this template. The slide must be in presentation mode in order your students to move the editable items.

Introduce Yourself as a Math Equation
Students can make a page that shares facts about their lives using math equations. Engage their creativity using images, GIFs, and more as they prepare to introduce themself for the year. Download this file to edit and add your own theme, and then have it for students to edit or share!

Math Logic Puzzles
Let your elementary students work their summer ready brains by solving these math puzzles. Download this lynx whiteboard file to utilize with your students and have an example of math puzzles that you can create for your students.

Converting Fractions to Percents
Download this lynx whiteboard file to review or practice converting fractions to percents.

This Lynx files includes a built-in interactive ruler for students to practice measuring various objects.

Order of Operations
This Lynx file includes two whole-group, interactive examples of the meaning behind algebraic expressions and one which can be used as independent practice.

This Lynx file can be used as an example of patterns with your whole class or a small group.

Adding/Subtracting Fractions
The first page of this Lynx file includes instructions for teachers on how to use specific features.

Build an Atom
Download this lesson for a digital activity on building atoms. If students have access to the Lynx Whiteboard app on their devices, they can complete this activity independently.
Science & Social Studies Lessons

Earths Layers Lesson
Use this Lynx file to watch a video about the layers of the Earth. Included is a reading comprehension passage as well as a diagram of inner Earth.

Constitution Day Activity
Constitution Day is September 17th. In this activity students will learn some facts about the Constitution, read a passage and answer questions.

This Lynx file will teach students about the Battle of Yorktown and the historical figures involved.

Label Continents Oceans
This Lynx file includes a map of the world with a drag and drop activity. Students must correctly label the oceans and continents on the map.

Plant and Animal Cells
This is a fun drag and drop activity on plant and animal cells. You can edit this file to your liking after the download.
Misc Lessons

Finish the Drawing Activity
Use this as a brain break or creative activity for students to collaborate on a drawing. Time individuals or groups on creating a drawing using Lynx and the different pen tools. This template has different options to try or use the blank slide to add your own starting point.

Book Care Template
As requested by a librarian, here is a template to go over book care rules with students. Use clipart, images, videos, tables, grouping, and drag and drop to customize this rule presentation and review slide. Students will learn how to treat library books correctly in an interactive, engaging way.

Drum Beats Music Activity
This template allows you to introduce drum beats to your students. It includes a cool video with examples, a practice sheet for you and your students to try, and a blank music template with moveable music notes for students to come up to the panel and create their own beats. An instruction page is included for teachers and this file is editable so you can change what you like!

Note Taking Template
This template shows how to take organized, effective notes. Use the example to show in class, or set up your own lesson. Add personalized tips or just use the template to show students step by step how to capture important lesson or research information.

Flags of the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Attendance Tracker - Who is Here Today?
Your students have the power to let you know that they are present for class with this editable Lynx Whiteboard Attendance Tracker. Simply enter your students' names and put the slide into presentation mode.

Zones of Regulation Sort
This template has the zones as the background and will allow for editing the text boxes to use as interactive pieces on a panel or in "presenting". With this quick, easy check-in, students share how they're feeling, see how others are starting, and can move throughout the day as their mood shifts. If students are on behavior tracking or plans, or not, a check in like this helps boost social-emotional awareness and growth.

Who is Here Today?
Use this Lynx template to help you take attendance.

Indigenous People Day
Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors indigenous American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. This Lynx lesson gives some background and has questions for students to answer.

Get to Know You Activity
This activity allows students to choose a color and when they touch the box, a question is revealed. Designed for any age to get to know new students!
Christmas Lessons

Christmas around the world Quiz
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Christmas around the world activities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
Easter Lessons

The Story of Jesus
Explore how Easter is celebrated in different countries around the world, with our new interactive resource.

Easter across the world
Give children a better understanding of Easter. This resource includes: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Drag and Drop the days of the Holy Week in order activity

What is Easter?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
Thanksgiving & Halloween Lessons

Thanksgiving Patterns
Use this Lynx activity as a warm up or review of patterns. Students complete the pattern and then can make their own patterns.

Thanksgiving Operation
Thanksgiving Operations will allow your students to have fun while practicing or reviewing basic math operations problems.

Interactive Trick or Treating Storyboard
The resource includes an interactive trick-or-treating storyboard with The Gruffalo, mini-games and activities, and a chance to create your own Halloween settings on pages 10-14.
Black History Month Lessons

Black History Month 1
This interactive Lynx file (Part 1) will teach students about many Black Americans who have contributed to our history.

Black History Month 2
Use this lesson in present mode for interactive activities that help student learn about important and historical figures for Black History Month. With drag and drop, videos, puzzles, and more, students will develop understanding of these figures significance to our country (and the world) and to their individual fields.

Black History Month Figures
Upload to "Celebrate"- Black History Month - Be sure to use this file in presentation mode to teach students about important historical figures during Black History Month.
Valentine's Lessons

Valentines Day 1
This Lynx file includes 3 Valentine's Day activities including a fractions activity, read aloud with a follow-up creative activity, and a sequencing activity.

Valentines Day 2
This Lynx file includes a cause and effect graphic organizer with the history of Valentine's Day.
Leap Year & New Year Lessons

Leap Year
Upload to "Celebrate"-Leap Year-Use this Lynx file to teach your students about the history of Leap Year while also completing a practice lesson on Main Idea and Supporting Detail. End the activity with students typing a letter for their future selves to read on the next Leap Year.

Digital Vision Board
This Lynx file is perfect as a New Year activity. Have students use images to create a digital vision board for the new year.