Search results

Found 106 results for the search "teaching".

Educational Technology for life

Educational Technology for life Technology is a fundamental part of everyday life. It has transformed the way we approach activities, engage with services and consume content. 78% of people own a...

Why technology will never take over from teachers

Why technology will never take over from teachers – but supports them to teach You might have heard tales of artificial intelligence taking over. Or robots stealing our jobs. Or technology being...

How EdTech can help close the attainment gap

How EdTech can help close the attainment gap Great education is a right for all. Regardless of background, learning is something that all children and young people should have access to. Not every...

Learning in any location

Learning in any location The job of a teacher is to deliver extraordinary education to their students. But this doesn’t have to be confined to the four walls of a classroom. New technologies are...

Tech trends in education

Tech trends in education Advances in our digital world has seen pedagogy evolve.  With the decline of laptops-on-wheels, ICT rooms and hot, noisy projectors, schools have been catching up with the...

Most popular Snowflake activities

Most popular Snowflake activities NUITEQ Snowflake is an award-winning educational technology software solution that is transforming the classroom into an active learning environment that...

Implement a cloud strategy in your school

Implement a cloud strategy in your school Most of us use the cloud on a day-to-day basis, and our lives are increasingly influenced by cloud technology. From storing data, files, images and more...