Optymalizuj i aktualizuj
Wybierz z naszej szerokiej gamy rozwiązań do montażu, współpracy i audio, aby zapewnić idealne spotkanie lub lekcję zawsze i wszędzie.
Discover 4K Ultra High Definition
With great functionality and superior performance, CleverCam is easy and convenient to both install and maintain.

Realistic Writing Technology
New: CleverInk
Write, erase, scroll, and comment seamlessly without switching modes. Boost productivity, creativity, and collaboration.

Quick sign-in with your NFC / RFID Fob
Sensor Module
With this smart tool you can keep track of air quality, light, temperature and humidity.
Our best features for any screen
A wireless presentation system with
in-built digital signage capabilities and touchscreen functionality.
Plug & Play wireless screen sharing
New: CleverCast
Simply pair your CleverCast with your Clevertouch meeting room display to mirror your content with the touch of a button.

Powered by Intel

Google EDLA certified

Rozwiązania dla każdej przestrzeni